Passion and Etiquette: Embracing Fan Enthusiasm in Japanese Sports Culture

Passion and Etiquette: Embracing Fan Enthusiasm in Japanese Sports Culture
Hanshin Tigers fans are known for their passionate behavior and are considered some of the most rowdy baseball supporters in Japan. The media often calls for "proper spectator behavior," but isn't that call from the media missing the point? Suppressing human nature and imposing "manners" is not a fundamental solution; it is merely a superficial measure.
As a Brazilian, I think it's natural that people who are passionate about sports sometimes tend to become hooligans.
Violence should never be condoned, but I feel that society needs spaces where people can express their opinions and enthusiasm in a safe environment.
For example, in Brazil, soccer matches sometimes lead to violence between fans of opposing teams. Therefore, police are always present at major sports events. For smaller soccer matches, police are not deployed, so small clubs need to be more creative.
One effective example is that some clubs have hardcore or heavy metal bands play during halftime, allowing fans who want to express their violent feelings to participate in a mosh pit in a designated area. This method usually serves as an emotional outlet and helps prevent major trouble.
Even in today's world with cutting-edge technology and culture, humans, as animals, need ways to express their basic instincts in a civilized manner.
阪神タイガースのファンは、その熱狂的な言動で知られ、日本で最も激しい野球ファンの一部と見なされています。メディアからは「観戦マナーの遵守をお願いします」との呼びかけがありますが、そのメディアの呼びかけ、そうじゃないじゃん! 人間性を抑え込み、「マナー」を押し付けることは本質的な解決にはならず、表面的な対処にすぎません。
たとえばブラジルでは、サッカーの試合が対戦チームのファン同士の暴力に発展することがあります。 そのため、大きなスポーツイベントには警察が常駐しています。 小規模なサッカーの試合には警察は動員されないので、小さなクラブはもっと工夫しなければなりません。
効果的な一例として、いくつかのクラブではハーフタイムにハードコアやヘビーメタルのバンドを演奏させ、暴力的な気持ちを表現したいファンは特定のエリアでモッシュピットに参加します。 この方法は通常、感情のはけ口として機能し、大きなトラブルを防ぐのに役立っています。