Buying Time with Money

Buying Time with Money
Finding a restaurant not swamped with salarymen during lunchtime on weekdays in Otemachi is considered lucky.
Long queues are not just tales from Tokyo's business districts. I have visited Kyoto many times and have always wanted to try Honke Daiichi Asahi Ramen, but no matter how early I arrive, there is already a large crowd waiting.
Online reservations, drive-thrus, and food delivery apps have made it easier to access our favorite foods. However, such options are less available for smaller establishments like ramen and onigiri stores.
Meanwhile, there are entrepreneurs who are addressing this issue. TableCheck, known for its restaurant reservation system, offers a service called "FastPass," designed to avoid long waiting times. This service is now available at six renowned ramen stores, allowing customers to bypass the queue by paying a fee ranging from 390 to 500 yen. However, FastPass is only offered in limited quantities each week and typically sells out within minutes of release.
By using technology and new operational methods, we can reduce waiting times in restaurant lines or, in other words, 'buy time.' Could similar effects be expected in other sectors, such as retail, transportation, and medical?
オンライン予約、ドライブスルー、そしてフードデリバリーアプリが、僕たちの好きな食べ物を手に入れやすくしています。しかし、ラーメンやおにぎり屋のような小さなお店では、そういったオプションが少ないです。 一方で、その問題に取り組もうとしている起業家もいます。
TableCheck は、レストラン予約システムで知られており、長い待ち時間を回避するために設計された「FastPass」というサービスを提供しています。このサービスは現在、有名なラーメン店6軒で利用可能となり、顧客は 390 円から 500 円の料金を支払うことで、列に並ばずに済むようになりました。しかし、FastPass は毎週限定数のみが提供され、発売後数分以内に通常売り切れてしまいます。