Are you a capitalist or a socialist?

Are you a capitalist or a socialist?
Winston Churchill once said, "Capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth, socialism is the equal distribution of poverty." Capitalism has undeniably allowed humanity to prosper and grow. For example, Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile industry by introducing the assembly line, which created jobs, provided higher wages for many, and made cars affordable to the average person.
However, I doubt Mr. Churchill ever worked in a car factory. I have. In fact, most Brazilians living in Japan have, too.
This trend began in 1990 when the Brazilian government implemented a series of economic reforms, including freezing bank accounts, leading to a severe recession and massive unemployment. In the same year, the Japanese government amended its immigration laws to address labor shortages and an aging society. This change made it easier for third-generation Japanese immigrants and their spouses to obtain long-term residence visas. Since Brazil has the largest Japanese community outside Japan, many Brazilians of Japanese descent moved to Japan to escape the harsh economic conditions in Brazil.
By 2024, the number of Brazilians living in Japan exceeded 200,000. These Brazilians often face significant challenges.
First, there is income insecurity. Many factory jobs are informal and low-paid. Second, career advancement is limited. Even if you gain skills in a factory job, those skills are often not transferable to other industries or roles.
These problems are quite serious. An organization in the Basque Country of Spain called Mondragon takes a completely different approach.
Mondragon is a business group owned by its employees, sharing profits and making decisions jointly. We are not talking about a small, family-owned restaurant. Mondragon is one of the largest cooperative networks in the world, comprising more than 260 companies, employing about 80,000 people, and generating billions of euros in annual revenues.
Moreover, they have their own universities and R&D centers, providing an environment where employees are constantly learning and growing. By adopting a cooperative model like Mondragon's, we can create workplaces where workers are truly valued.
During the Cold War, propaganda in capitalist countries painted socialism as dangerous. However, socialism is simply an ideology that aims for equality and fairness. Too much emphasis on socialism can lead to stagnation, while too much emphasis on capitalism can lead to widening inequality.
The important thing is not to choose one or the other but to adopt the aspects of each system that allow humanity to live happily.
その理由は 1990 年に始まりました。その時、ブラジル政府が一連の経済改革を実施し、銀行口座を凍結したりして、ひどい不況となり、大量の失業者を生み出しました。
2024 年、日本に住むブラジル人は 20 万人を超えています。日本に住んでいるブラジル人はよく次のような課題に直面しています。
家族経営の小さなレストランの話ではありません。 モンドラゴンは世界最大級の協同組合ネットワークの一つで、260 以上の企業を含み、約 8 万人を雇用し、年間で数十億ユーロの収益を上げています。